CB Beauty Blog
The “Ekso” Study at Kessler
As Francesco’s right hand, I am not only involved in Clark’s Botanicals, but his life as he recovers as well. I particularly enjoy learning about the latest case-studies in scientific research for SCI (spinal cord injury) patients and seeing first-hand how quickly this area is evolving more than ever.
We recently took a trip to The Kessler Foundation in West Orange, NJ - where Francesco previously participated in the Treadmill study
There, we saw firsthand, one of the latest developments in SCI research: the “Ekso” - a robotic, battery-powered exoskeleton that enables wheelchair users to stand and walk. Scientists at Kessler gave us a tour of the lab, followed by a presentation of their latest neurological studies and lastly, a demonstration of the “Ekso” in use by a participant of the study.
“The suit” looks futuristic, think “Iron Man.” It was assembled pretty easily on the patient , who was then able to stand-up from his wheelchair and walk a lap around the room before us. It looked a bit mechanical and slow but steady, like a soldier marching, at an even and deliberate pace. One leg in front of the other, feet firmly placed on the ground.
So excited, I immediately began to think of things Francesco would be able to do on his own right away with the suit. Things often taken for granted like getting the mail, going to get a cup of coffee - going for a walk. And how profoundly the quality of his life -at the moment- will be enhanced. I was beyond grateful and ecstatic to be present for such a revolutionary moment in rehabilitation research.
Francesco will be participating in the “Ekso” study at Kessler in months to come and we will be documenting it all so please stay tuned!